From the archive of struggle, no.40: Yale Yiddish special

Following on from my YIVO special, here are some more Yiddish archival treasures. Below the fold, the usual round up of newly available radical material.

Our focus today is the Yale Judaica collection. Below are some exhibitions. Clicking on the images enables you to see them in context.

And You Shall Tell Your Children, Passover Haggadah exhibition:

Kibbutz Haggadah

Yiddish Sheet Music:

The Striker

Illustrated Yiddish Books:

These illustrated books date from the post-revolutionary period, the golden age of Soviet Yiddish, when Russian plebian culture and Jewish folk culture, avante-garde graphics and radical politics, all worked together powerfully. -P.

Avant-garde Maquettes (1929):
Avant-garde maquettes for Jewish-Communist wall posters in Yiddish (1929): Leaf One

Ink and watercolor manuscript, possibly a mock up for publication, consisting of two leaves (28 x 19 cm.) mounted side-by-side in a contemporary mat. This poster contains the phrase “Proleṭarier fun ale lender, fareyniḳṭ aykh!” [Proletariat of all lands, unite!] and large lettering with the words “Arbeṭ un ḳulṭur” [Labor and culture] across an illustration of a hammer and sickle topped by a red star.

Avant-garde maquettes for Jewish-Communist wall posters in Yiddish (1929): Leaf TwoThis poster has the heading “Ḳegn Goṭ un shṿindl” [Against God and swindle] above a paragraph urging Jews not to be duped into the backward religious practice of attending high holiday services. It is signed אמכא–Amkha, a deliberately misspelled version of the Hebrew word עמך — Amkha [Your People].

Below the fold, the archive of struggle no. 40.

I haven’t had time recently to work on this properly, so I am stealing almost all of these links from Entdinglichung:

Fundación Andreu Nin:

* Wilebaldo Solano: El hospital proletario/ La organización sanitaria de la comuna asturiana (1935, pdf-Datei)
* Wilebaldo Solano: El recuerdo de la comuna de Asturias (2004, pdf-Datei)
* Emilio García García: secretario local del Sindicato de la construcción de la CNT y militante del POUM (1941, pdf-Datei)
* Carta de José Luis Arenillas a Juan de Ajuariaguerra, horas antes de ser fusilado (1938)

RA Forum:

*Review of Luigi Galleani’s The End of Anarchism? by Paul Avrich (1983)


* Anthony McElligott: Street politics in Hamburg, 1932-3 (1983)
* Elisabeth Behrens: Workers’ Struggles And The Capitalist Counter-Offensive Under National Socialism (1974)

* The British miners strike of 1984/1985 – a retrospective view of some events at St. John’s Colliery in Maesteg, South Wales (1986, mit einem Nachwort von 2009)
* Boris Souvarine: Stalin: Why and How (1978)
* George Orwell: Notes on Nationalism (1945)


* Herbert Marcuse: Negations: Essays in Critical Theory (1968, pdf-Datei)

Big Flame 1970-1984:

* EPISODES IN BIG FLAME HISTORY: No 22. 1979-80 Debate – Transitional Politics and Alternative Plans
** A Contribution towards a General Direction for Big Flame (1980, pdf-Datei)
** Comments on the Tendency Motions and Documents (1980, pdf-Datei)
** Motion on Perspectives and Priorities (1979, pdf-Datei)
** Statement of the Political Basis for the Formation of a Tendency In Big Flame (1980, pdf-Datei)
** Theses on Reformism (1979, pdf-Datei)
** Towards a Transitional Strategy: Prospects for Class Struggle (1980, pdf-Datei)
* REVOLUTIONARY MARXIST CURRENT [RMC] (Groups which joined Big Flame no 1)
** About the Revolutionary Marxist Current (1977, pdf-Datei)

** The Revolution Unfinished? A Critique of Trotskyism (1977)
*** The Revolution Unfinished?: front to section 2 (pdf-Datei)
*** The Revolution Unfinished?: sections 3 to 5(b)(i) (pdf-Datei)
*** The Revolution Unfinished?: section 5(b)(ii) to 5(c) (pdf-Datei)
*** The Revolution Unfinished?: section 5(d) to back (pdf-Datei)
** Class and Party in Trotskyism and Leninism (1975, pdf-Datei)
** On the IMG’s Concept of the Vanguard and Ours (1978, pdf-Datei)
* A book about Big Flame
* LIBERTARIAN COMMUNIST GROUP [LCG] (Groups who joined Big Flame no 2)
** A Short History of the Libertarian Communist Group
** Coalitions, Libertarian Communism and Ireland (1980, pdf-Datei)
** Report of a Meeting of ex-LCG Members (2004, pdf-Datei)
** Report of a Meeting of ex-LCG Members (1981, pdf-Datei)

* EPISODES IN BIG FLAME HISTORY: No 25. State Collectivism

** Century of the Unexpected: A New Analysis of Soviet Type Societies (1979)
*** Century of the Unexpected front-p12 (pdf-Datei)
*** Century of the Unexpected p13- back (pdf-Datei)
** The Nature of So-Called Socialist Societies (1980)
*** Some Notes on Big Flame’s Contribution to the Discussion of Soviet-Type Societies (pdf-Datei)
*** The Failure of So-Called Socialism (pdf-Datei)
*** The Origins and Basis of State Collectivism (pdf-Datei)
** Motion on BF’s Analysis of the USSR, other Comecon Countries and China (1980, pdf-Datei)
* INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST ALLIANCE [ISA] (Groups who joined Big Flame [or in this case didn’t] no3)
** Big Flame contribution to the ISA post-conference bulletin (1979, pdf-Datei)

La Bataille Socialiste:

* Marceau Pivert: ¡Fascismo o Socialismo! (1937)
* Marceau Pivert: Frankreich und Deutschland – Morgen (1944)
* International Bureau for Revolutionary Socialist Unity: A Lead to Word Socialism. On Spain, War, Fascism, Imperialism (1936)
* Rosa Luxemburg: L’impérialisme français en Algérie (1913)
* Images du Bund
* Maurice Rajsfus: Il y a cent ans, la naissance de la SFIO (2005)

* 4 meetings SIA à Paris en 1938
* Le papier-monnaie en Catalogne en 1936-37
* Wilebaldo Solano: Le PSOP dans le sauvetage du POUM en 1939 (1989)
* Benjamin Péret: Lettre à “Noir & Rouge” (1957)
* Maurice Dommanget: Jean Colly (1858-1929) (1967)
* Socialist Party of Great Britain (SPGB): Marx & Keynes (1971)
* Alfred Rosmer: La conférence de Berlin (1922, pdf-Datei)
* Jean-Jacques Soudeille: La politique de l’I.C. aux Indes (1931, pdf-Datei)
* PSOP: Pour un nouveau juin 36 (1938, pdf-Datei)
* Natalia Sedova-TrotskyLettre sur la question russe (1944, pdf-Datei)

* Jaime Balius: Recordando Julio de 1936 (1971, pdf-Datei)
Pierre Broué: Spartakisme, bolchevisme, gauchisme face aux problèmes de la Révolution prolétarienne en Allemagne (1973, pdf-Datei)
* Pablo Ruiz: Elogio póstumo de Jaime Balius (1981, pdf-Datei)
* Éric Nadaud: Le renouvellement des pratiques militantes de la S.F.I.O. au début du Front populaire (1934-36) (1990, pdf-Datei)
Giorgio Amico: Alle origini del socialismo italiano (1879-1892) (2000, pdf-Datei)

* Bert Hogenkamp: Marceau Pivert et le service du film de la Fédération de la Seine (2008, Auszug aus Une histoire mondiale des cinémas de propagande)
* Pierre Monatte: Préface à Socialisme et liberté (1954)

* Tim Mason: The Workers Opposition in Nazi Germany (1981)
* René Le Bras: Un ouvrier parle du système Bedaux (1948)
* Angelo Tasca: La guerre de Finlande (1951, Auszug aus Les communistes français pendant la drôle de guerre 1939-1940)

* L’Internationale: La jeunesse communiste ibérique (POUM) est à l’avant-garde de la révolution espagnole (1937)
* Union communiste (UC): Camarades anarchistes! (1937)
* Nicolas Lazarévitch: L’assassinat de Berneri (1937)
* Lettre ouverte à la Commission exécutive du PSOE (1937)
* Le Comité pour la reprise des Relations internationales (1921, Auszug aus der Encyclopédie socialiste, syndicale et coopérative)

Collectif Smolny:

* La Révolution prolétarienne: Albert Camus et nous (1960)
* BILAN: M. Albert Sarraut, symbole de la cohérence capitaliste (1936)
* Iosif Solomonovich Bleikhman ( 1868 – 1921 )

Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières (ESSF):

* Daniel Bensaïd: Marxisme contre totalitarisme (1984)
* Michaël Löwy: Nationalismes du Sud (1995)
* Houshang Sepehr: Sur la nature du régime iranien (2007)
* Democracia Socialista/PT: Un débat sur l’internationalisme d’aujourd’hui (2006)

Workers’ Liberty:

* Chronology, and small selection of texts, for studying AWL history (2009, pdf-Datei)

* Sean Matgamna: Why Lenin got Ireland wrong (1995)


* David James Fisher: Zum psychoanalytischen Verständnis von Faschismus und Antisemitismus (2003)
* David James Fisher: Towards a Psychoanalytic Understanding of Fascism and Anti-Semitism: Perceptions From the 1940’s (2003)

* William Alfred Hinds: American communities : brief sketches of Economy, Zoar, Bethel, Aurora, Amana, Icaria, the Shakers, Oneida, Wallingford, and the Brotherhood of the new life (1878)
* Isador Ladoff: The passing of capitalism, and the mission of socialism (1901)
* Proceedings: Socialist Party – Emergency National Convention at St. Louis, 1917 (1917)
* Harold Laski: Karl Marx; an essay (1922)
* Ramsay MacDonald: Socialism and society (1906)

* Adelheid Popp: The autobiography of a working woman (1912)
* Albert Richard Parsons: Anarchismus. Seine philosophie und wissenschaftliche Grundlage (1887)
* G.C. Clemens: A primer on socialism (1900)
* Norman Thomas: Why I am a socialist? (1932)
* The Batt-Dannenberg debate on resolved, that by political action alone, without the assistance of the Socialist Industrial Union, the workers can emancipate themselves … between Dennis E. Batt, representing the Socialist Party, and Karl Dannenberg, representing the Workers’ International Industrial Union (1919)
* Allan Benson: A way to prevent war (1915)

Marxist Internet Archive (MIA):

*Added to the E. Belfort Bax Archive: The Socialist Platform, No. 1, with William Morris., June 1885

*Added to the Chris Harman Archive:

**Crisis of the European Revolutionary Left (1979) (Analysis of the virtual collapse of most revolutionary left organisations in the late 1970s)
**Afghanistan – Only a Pawn in Their Game (1980) (short article on the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan)
**Marxism and the Missiles (1980) (Analysis of the new Cold War and the proposal to station cruise missiles in Western Europe) Philosophy and Revolution (1983) (Critique of Althusserian positions adopted by fellow leading SWP member, Alex Callinicos)
**1984 and the shape of things to come (1985) (Analysis of the roots of the defeat of the miners’ strike and its significance for the future course of the class struggle.
**Imperialism – East and West (1986) (Takes up the argument whether the USSR or Russia can be described as being imperialist)
**The Market and the Future of Eastern Europe (1989) (Notes from summer 1989, just before the collapse of Eastern Eruope started)
**The Storm Breaks – The Crisis in the Eastern Bloc (1990) (Major contemporary analysis of teh colapse of Stalinism in Eastern Europe written while it was still happening)
**The state and capitalism today (1991) (Major theoretical study of teh relationship between the state and capital)
**The Return of the National Question (1992) (Study of the way nationalism revived as a major force during the collapse of Stalinism)
**Globalisation – A Critique of a New Orthodoxy (1996) (Early study of a phenomenon that became central to anti-capitalist analysis after the evenst in Seattle in 1999 – more than 3 years after publication of this peace
**Movie with an Open Ending (2000) (Obituary of Tony Cliff)
**Anti-capitalism – Theory and Practice (2000) (Analysis of the new worldwide movement that arose after the protests in Seattle at the end of 1999)
**Argentina – Swimming with the Tide of Revolt (2002) (Report from Argentina, where one government after another was falling at the time as a result of the economic crisis there)
**To vote or not to vote? (2002) (Polemic with the French LCR about whether it was correct to call for a vote for Chirac against Le Pen in the run-off for the French presidential election)

*Added to the Sy Landy Internet Library

**Forward to the book The Life and Death of Stalinism

*Launched: the Chinese language Chen Duxiu Internet Archive. Chen was the founder and first General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party. Opposing the the 1920s alliance with the Kuomintang lead first by Sun Yatsen and later Generalismo Chaing Kai-shek. Chen was expelled from the CCP for this opposition and ended up supporting, along with many of the surviving leaders of the CCP, the International Left Opposition founded by Leon Trotsky. The writings here are his ‘late’ writings, from Chen Duxiu Collected Works (1929-1942).

*Added to the Chinese language section of the Marxists Internet Archive is the Chinese translation of the 2003 book: The Revolution Defamed: A Documentary History of Vietnamese Trotskyism

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  1. […] noch der Hinweis auf ein Update (u.a. mit Hinweisen zur jiddischsprachigen Sammlung in Yale) bei Poumista und auf einen Artikel von Gerd Bedszent zur Geschichte der Vereinigten Linken (VL) in der DDR […]

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