From the archive of struggle no.32

Some old and not so old documents archived, and some recent articles about the radical past. Below the fold, Marxist stuff Entdinglichung has already covered. Browse the rest of the series here.

Direct Action (Solidarity Federation):

* The Great Dock Strike of 1889
* Reviews: Live Working or Die Fighting (Paul Mason); Meltdown: The end of the age of greed (Paul Mason); A Grand Cause: The hunger strike & the deportation of anarchists from Soviet Russia (G. P. Maksimov); The Federación Uruguaya Anarquista (translated & edited by Paul Sharkey); Salvador Puig Antich & the Movimiento Ibérico de Liberación (edited by Anna Key & translated Paul Sharkey)

The Anarchist Library:

* “A Fury For Justice: Lucy Parsons And The Revolutionary Anarchist Movement in Chicago” by Jacob McKean (1994) [source]
* “Facing the Enemy”: A platformist interpretation of the history of anarchist organization by Jason McQuinn, Killing King Abacus [source]
* Wooden Shoes or Platform Shoes?: On the “Organizational Platform of the Libertarian Communists” by Bob Black, Killing King Abacus [source]
* Preface to “Socialist Documents” by Charles Malato (1904) [source]
* Peru: The Ideology Of Apocalypse Shining Path To What? by Manolo Gonzalez (1993) [source]
* “Chavistas open fire, injure eight protestors in Caracas” by Peter Gelderloos (2007)
* “Beer and Revolution: Some Aspects of German Anarchist Culture in New York, 1880-1900” by Tom Goyens (2009) [source]
* “Dreams, Demands, and the Pragmatic Pitfall: The Barcelona Bus Drivers Strike” by Peter Gelderloos (2009)
* “Esperanto and Anarchism” by Will Firth (1998) [source]

Socialist Worker (ISO-US):

* The battle for the docks (the 1934 San Francisco dock strike)
* Labor’s breakthrough in Toledo (the 1934 Auto-Lite strike)

Monthly Review:

*Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz: Indigenous Resistance in the Americas and the Legacy of Mariátegui (Review of Marc Becker, Indians and Leftists in the Making of Ecuador’s Modern Indigenous Movements, 2008).

Louis Proyect:

* Mariategui (2009)

US Marxist-Humanists:

*Statement of Principles (2009)
*Towards an organisational history of Marxism-Humanism in the US, Part 1 (2009)

In These Times

* Ralph Seliger on Albert Einstein and Israel/Palestine (2009)

Marxist Internet Archive:

*Added to the Isaac Deutscher Archive is the following article: Roots of Bureaucracy.
* C.L.R. James: West Indians of East Indian Descent (1965)
*Added to the Max Shachtman Internet Archive and the Leon Trotsky Internet Archive is M. Shachtman’s Introduction to Trotsky’s Problems of the Chinese Revolution. M. Shactman was also the translator of this important compilation of Trotsky’s writings on China.
*Added to the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line writers section renown Ceylonese Trotskyist Leslie Goonewardene (writing as K. TILAK) is his 1947 book Rise And Fall Of The Comintern.
*Added to the Leon Trotsky ArchiveLetter on the Opposition Press in France, October 22 1929

La Bataille Socialiste:

* Marceau Pivert: L’Eglise et l’école – perspectives prolétariennes (1932)
* Revolutionäre Kommunisten Deutschlands (RKD): Plateforme programmatique des RKD (1941, die RKD waren eine Gruppe österreichischer und deutscher EmigrantInnen im französischen Untergrund)
* Revolutionäre Kommunisten Deutschlands (RKD): Ouvriers juifs, camarades (1943)
* Revolutionäre Kommunisten Deutschlands (RKD): Lettre à ‘La seule voie’ (1942)
* Jean-Jacques Soudeille: Lettre à Lastérade (1935)
* Socialist Standard: El Parlamento y La Constitución (1933)
* Amadeo Bordiga: El guiñol en la historia (1953)

Collectif Smolny:

* Etincelles de la Gauche marxiste russe : 1881-1923. Troisième partie – L’hôtesse allemande : 1918
* Etincelles de la Gauche marxiste russe : 1881-1923. Quatrième partie – Y a-t’il une cuisinière dans l’aéronef ? : 1920-1921

Workers’ Liberty:

* Leon Trotsky: Second World War: When Stalin invaded, September 1939 (1939)

Rustbelt Radical:

* Isaac Deutscher/ Abraham J. Muste/Dave Dellinger: Marxism and Non-Violence (1965, Auszug aus einer Diskussionsveranstaltung zu Perspektiven des Widerstandes gegen den Vietnamkrieg)

Was Tun: Plattform für Marxistische Konvergenz:

* André Breton/Leo Trotzki: Manifest für eine unabhängige revolutionäre Kunst (1938)


* Erich Mühsam: Bohème (1929, Auszug aus Unpolitische Erinnerungen)

From the Archive of Struggle no.31.

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  1. […] zu Kleine Wahlnachlesedenkzettel zu Kleine WahlnachleseFrom the archive of struggle no.32 « Poumista zu Neues aus den Archiven der radikalen (und nicht so radikalen) LinkenGelesen: Weitere […]

  2. […] French. Various Trotskyists from the Marxist Internet Archive, mostly in English. Previous edition here. Next edition will be an anarchist […]

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