From the archive of struggle no.43

Ultra-lefitsm galore. Guy Debord, Sam Moss, Chris Harman, Peter Kropotkin, Sylvia Pankhurst and more in English, and, further down, stuff in several languages.

*CLR James: Notes on Dialectics: Hegel, Marx, Lenin (1948)

Not Bored:

*Guy Debord: The Congolese revolutionary movement (1966) [also here].

Letters Journal:

*Sam Moss: The Impotence of the Revolutionary Group (Living Marxism, 1939)

Robert Graham’s Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas:

*Peter Kropotkin: Prisons and Their Moral Influence on Prisoners (1886)
*Jean Grave:

*Walter Benjamin: A Fragment of a Critique of Violence (1927)
*Petr Kropotkin: Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution (1902)
*Petr Kropotkin: Theses on an Anarchist Morality (1897)
*Ambrose Bierce: The Devil’s Dictionary (1881-1906)
*George Orwell: The Road to Wigan Pier
*Petr Kropotkin: Three Timely Essays
*Gáspár Miklós Tamás: Searching our Socialist Roots: Telling the truth about class
*Wilhelm Reich: The Mass Psychology Of Fascism
*Fredy Perlman: Continuing Appeal of Nationalism
*Crisso and Odoteo: Barbarians: The Disordered Insurgence
*Franklin Rosemont: Karl Marx and the Iroquois: The Ethnological Notebooks
*Principia Dialectica: Marxism & the Left in the 21st Century: Two Essays
*An Anonymous Contribution To The Revolutionary Movement – Translated by M.L. Jordan (2005)
*Chris Gray: The State and Counter-revolution (1972)
*Frere Dupont: Councilism, Solutionism & The Communist Critiqiue
* Max Cafard: The Surre(Gion)Alist Manifesto
*Errico Malatesta: Anarchism and Organisation (1897)
* L’Insecurite Sociale: The Communist Tendency (nd)

Marxist Internet Archive:

*Added to the Sylvia Pankhurst Archive:
**Housing & the Workers’ Revolution, Housing in Capitalist Britain and Bolshevik Russia
**Education of the Masses

*Added to the new Chris Harman Archive:
**The 20th century – an age of extremes or an age of possibilities? (1999) (critique of Eric Hobsbawm’s analysis in Age of Extremes)
**Old wine in new bottles (2001) (some weaknesses in the response of the French left to the new anti-capitalist movement)
**Learning from the past to shape the future (book review) (2001) (review of the first volume of Tony Cliff’s selected works)
**The overall movement (2001) (critique of autonomism)
**Argentina – The ecstasy, followed by the agony (2001) (on the crisis in Argentina)
**Breadth of vision and a zest for life (book review) (2002) (review of Engels’ correspondence)
**Down and out in Havana (2002) (on Cuban author Pedro Juan Gutiérrez)
**All about Eric – A cautionary tale (book review) (2002) (review of Eric Hobsbawm’s autobiography)
**In a material world (book review) (2002) (review of Engels’ correspondence)
**Permanent legacy (2003) (obituary of Mike Kidron)
**A blast from the past (book review) (2003) (review of third volume of Tony Cliff’s works)
**Faith of their fathers (2003) (on attempts to “reclaim” the Labour Party)
**Latin America – Continent of discontent (2003) (survey of struggles in Latin America)
**Autonomism for the people? (2003)
**The thaw sets in (2004) (similarities and difference between the current movement and that of the 1960s and 1970s.
**Neither Washington nor Moscow (2004) (on the Orange “revolution” in Ukraine)
**From common sense to good sense (2005) (on the role of ideas in the struggle)
**The Works are complete (book review) (2005) (on the completion of the Marx/Engels Collected Works
**Revolution in the air (2005) (on the choices facing the Latin American left)
**A conspiracy theory that weakens the movement (2006) (why talk of the power of an Israel lobby weakens the movement and lets imperialism off the hook)
**Double edged ‘democracy’ (2009) (on the continued domination of the Polish economy by a small elite 20 years after the “collapse of Communism”))
**State capitalism – the theory that fuels the practice (2009) (on the continuing relevance of the theory of state capitalism)

*Added to the Swedish Isaac Deutscher Internet Archive: Maoism – Its Origins, Background And Outlook, Isaac Deutscher, 1964

The following are taken from Entdinglichung’s latest:

ASK/VAB Hamburg-Altona:

* Kampf! (1912, drei Ausgaben einer anarchosyndikalistischen Zeitung von „damals“)
* Karl Roche: Absatzkrise (1928)
* Urteil des Reichsarbeitsgerichts vom 31. Mai 1930 gegen die Freie Arbeiter-Union Deutschlands (Anarchosyndikalisten) (mit einem Artikel von Fritz Linow, aus gegebenem Anlass)

Projekt Gutenberg:

* Ernst Toller: Eine Jugend in Deutschland (1936)
* Ernst Toller: Masse Mensch (1920)
* Ernst Toller: Hoppla, wir leben! (1927)
* Ernst Toller: Feuer aus den Kesseln (1930)

La Bataille Socialiste:

* Barricades avant l’attaque, rue Saint-Maur (Paris, 25 juin 1848)

* Paresh Chattopadhyay: Did the Bolshevik seizure of power inaugurate a Socialist Revolution? A Marxian Inquiry (1991)
* Claude Lefort: Critique du modèle de parti trotskyste (1958)
* Lucien Sanial: The Socialist almanac (1898)
* Socialist Labor Party of America (SLP): What Socialism Means (1951)
* Maximilien Rubel: L’oeuvre éthique de Karl Marx (1982)
* Marceau Pivert chargé de mission (juin 1936 – février 1937)
* Maximilien Rubel: Pour une union mondiale des tendances révolutionnaires (1983)
* Articles de Karl Marx dans le New York Daily Tribune (1852-61)
* Guy Debord: La bureaucratie russe était une classe dominante de substitution (1967)
* L’ombre de Lénine (1943)
* Pierre Souyri: Le collectivisme bureaucratique de Bruno Rizzi (1979)

Marxists Internet Archive (MIA):

* Andreu Nin: Les dictadures dels nostres dies (1930)
* Simon Pirani: Vietnam and Trotskyism (1987)


* Paresh Chattopadhyay: Economic Content of Socialism in Lenin; Is It the Same as in Marx? (1991)
* Lars T. Lih: Bolshevik Razverstka and War Communism (?)
* Lars T. Lih: Political Testament of Lenin and Bukharin and the Meaning of NEP (?)
* Silver Debate: Worker’s Power and Operaism (2005)
* Interview with Polish Tesco Worker (2005)
* Wildcat: The Bush Administration’s Fear of War…and What Forces Them to Wage It – Wildcat (2003)
* Wildcat: United against the social earthquake in Iran (2005)
* Extracts from the guidelines of the AAUD (1920)
* Guidelines of the AAU-E (1921)
* Prol-Position: Struggles of Asian Workers in the Middle East and oil-producing countries (2006)
* Prol-Position: Social struggles in the Chinese modernization process (2006)
* George Caffentzis: From Capitalist Crisis to Proletarian Slavery: An Introduction to Class Struggle in the US, 1973-1998 (1997/1998)
* Wildcat: Interview with Bosch-Siemens worker, 2005 (2006)

Workers’ Liberty:

* Workers’ Liberty 26, November/December 1995 (Texte zur spanischen Revolution)

The Anarchist Library:

* Helmut Rüdiger: (The) Revolutionary Movement in Spain (1934)
* Worker’s Solidarity Federation: After the Collapse of Marxism: Is there an alternative to capitalism today? (?)
* Scott of the Insurgency Culture Collective: Anarchists Hate Racism (?)
* Worker’s Solidarity Federation: Anti-Imperialist Struggles (?)
* Joe King: Buenaventura Durruti (?)
* Andrew Flood: (The) Left: Ashes to Phoenix (?)
* James Hutchings: Leninism and Anarchism (?)
* Conor McLoughlin: Marxism and Anarchism (?)
* Worker’s Solidarity Movement: Marx & the State (?)
* James Hutchings: Animal Liberation and Human Liberation (?)

Espace contre ciment:

* William Morris: L’âge de l’ersatz (1894)
* Bilan: Van der Lubbe. Les fascistes exécutent. Socialistes et centristes applaudissent (1934)
* Gustav Landauer: Anarchische Gedanken über Anarchismus (1901)
* Guy Debord: Abidjan (1986)
* Edouard Berth: Sorel, le Tertullien du socialisme (1922)
* Edouard Berth: Le bourgeois français (1924)
* Sylvain Maréchal: Manifest der Gleichen (1796)
* E. P. Thompson: La formation de la classe ouvrière anglaise – Préface (1963)
* Moses Hess: Von dem Gelde und der Knechtschaft (1844)
* Gustav Landauer: Von der Dummheit und von der Wahl (1912)
* Gustav Landauer: „Treten wir aus dem Kapitalismus aus!“ (1913)
* Benjamin Péret: Le déshonneur des poètes (1945)

* Socialist Labor Party (SLP): Stalinist international anarchism; a condemnation of Stalinist international brigandage and forcible annexation of territory in the light of Marxian fundamentals (1940)
* Clum Woodworth: Making socialists out of college students; a story of professors and other collegians who hobnob with radicals (1920)
* New American Movement: Working papers on gay-lesbian liberation and socialism (1979)
* Karl Radek: In den Reihen der deutschen Revolution, 1909-1919, gesammelte Aufsätze und Abhandlungen (1921)
* Socialist Labor Party: Fifty years of American Marxism, 1891-1941 : commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Weekly People (1941)

Fundación Andreu Nin:

* Leo Trotzki: En España (1916/1917, übersetzt von Andreu Nin)


* Franz Barwich: Der kommunistische Aufbau des Syndikalismus (1922)
* Der Syndikalist: Unserem Genossen Max Nettlau zum 60. Geburtstag (1925)
* Hermann George: Die Bakuninhütte (1931)
* Arthur Holke: Zwei Jahre Gilde in Leipzig (1930)
* Freie Arbeiter-Union Deutschlands (Anarchosyndikalisten) (FAUD): Schafft die Arbeiterfront gegen den Faschismus (1932, pdf-Datei)

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  1. […] Final – 30. Jahrestag des Abganges von Somozapixel zu Daniel Bensaïd (1946-2010)From the archive of struggle no.43 « Poumista zu Neues aus den Archiven der radikalen (und nicht so radikalen) Linkenentdinglichung zu Neues […]

  2. […] the archive of struggle no.44 I have fallen behind on this task, not having done it for about 6 weeks. Below the fold are basically my personal choices from Entdinglichung’s Sozialistika […]

  3. […] From the archive of struggle no.43 […]

  4. […] From the archive of struggle no.43 […]

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